Monday, 14 December 2009

Finished! Radio Show, of music and revolutions

We've finally finished our group project, a radio show discussing the reasons why music doesn't seem to be as revolutionary today as it has been in the past. Here is a summary of the finished product:

"In the programme we looked at the journey of musical revolutions and represented different views and opinions in the forms of interviews and vox pops. We included music from different eras and from today, ending it with the suggestion that perhaps there is revolutionary music today and that it is possible for music to become revolutionary once again."

Here is the finished product, you can also download it here.

Things we would have done differently if we could do it again:

1. Introduce the interviewees and Mandy as another presenter, explain their positions and why they are a legitimate source of knowledge in music history

2. Include more of an outro, probably something said by one of the presenters to tie it all together.

3. Leave more time for post-production! Make sure we leave room for circumstances beyond our control and err on the side of finishing early rather than getting it all done at the last minute.

Overall, this was a really fun project, interesting and enjoyable. Everyone on the team was involved more or less equally and contributed in every area. I enjoyed working in a team as it was easier to brainstorm for ideas, we had fun together and all contributed and played a part, and pulled off a project I think we can all learn from and be proud of the finished result.

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