again written very enthusiastically (!) by Simon:
Present: Mandy, Esther and Simon!!!
Date 1/12/09
Location: Gatehouse
Action point: Meet Friday following class to further post production. Possible meet on Monday if needed!!!
Action point: All members of group to bring their recordings/music to aid with Radio show!!
Mandy says do not check with Rich, Simon and Esther disagree … after much deliberation we find out that Mandy is correct.
Order Coles microphone for voice over.
Mandy and Simon post to blog the voxpops and edits already completed.
Esther to write out ideas for the script
This is so we can have a general idea of how to transition from one section into another, the order and the general duration of each to stay within the time limitations.
First, we will start with an introduction by our presenter, Simon.
Some ideas for the script:
[5 seconds of 'Hound Dog' by Elvis Presley, then lowered volume as Simon's voice comes in:]
Hello and welcome to -----! You're listening to Simon Partington and today we will be discussing music - why does it seem to not be as revolutionary today as it has been in the past?
Over the last century, music had the power to change cultures, overthrow society and define entire generations.
Beginning with the jazz and blues movement in the '20s and '30s, music became a reflection of what the culture was going through at the time - liberation! Breaking free of the traditional, classical music, jazz music broke all the rules and was wild, fun, carefree. This is during the time that the liberation of women was taking place, the Allies were still high on victory from the 1st World War and the economy was booming. The music of the time galvanised the young, shocked the older and the more traditional and became the turning point of modern music as we know it.
[rock and roll music, approx. 5 seconds then lowers volume as voice comes in]
Then came the 50's - the beginning of rock and roll.
[part of mandy's interviewee's rant about rock and roll]
[talk about the Beatles, 'free love' revolution - All you need is love by the Beatles in background?]
(for the rest, need to hear the interviews and base script around what is already said in them but have a general idea of what to say.)
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